Real nature


Nature data at scale to reveal risks, build resilience and drive competitive advantage


Data quality matters...

Positive actions to reduce nature risk, enhance return on investment and build competitive advantage depend on real, holistic, high quality data on the state of nature. That's where Pivotal comes in.

Primary nature data at scale, anywhere

Precision monitoring of individual sites, landscapes, and supply chains

Digitised data capture with statistical sampling

Multi-taxa data showing changes over time

No need for on-site ecologists

Community-led data capture enabled with training

Advanced biodiversity data management

Process, verify and organise data on a single AI-powered platform

Transform data with an adaptive suite of state of nature metrics, aligned with all major frameworks

Integrate your proprietary data sets or open-source layers

Auditable, transparent and validated data at every step

Actionable state of nature intelligence

Interactive visualisation and mapping tools

Extractable custom data sets for modelling, disclosures and reporting with ease

Compare locations, land use practices, and track change over time

Take informed action to reduce nature risks and build business resilience

Activate high integrity state of nature data

We’re building the fastest growing set of annotated, species-level biodiversity data ever compiled, driven by data scientists and ecologists. We deliver nature intelligence at any scale, from sites to supply chains and whole landscapes.

pivotal dashboard
Illustrative example dashboard


Trusted globally by businesses and investors who deal in outcomes, not promises

Based on our data, people invest differently, source differently, and change how they operate. The era of data driven nature decisions is here.

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